Invisible or Ghost Mannequin Clothing Photography
Invisible mannequin, ghost mannequin or hollow man clothing photography is an extremely cost effective and eye catching way to photograph your clothing range.
As you can see by some recent images that we created to advertise a company’s range of clothing, the clothing is photographed on a model or mannequin that is removed during the post production process to give the clothing a 3D look.
It allows you to showcase your clothing both inside and out with the distraction of a real mannequin or model who may also hide some of the detail that you would like to reveal. Most clothing requires a body shape inside of it to show it at it’s best – flat laid images are always likely to be less appealing to your potential buyers. It is a particularly effective method if you are looking to show off interior detail such as linings and also allows customers to visualise themselves in the clothes rather than comparing themselves to a model who may or may not appeal to them.
As you don’t have the expense of hiring and styling a model for your shoot, it can be a very cost effective way of photographing a clothing range while still presenting it in a way that it is very appealing to the online shopper and can still show off all the details that you would wish a purchaser to know about. It offers a clean image that sits well against a white screen website backdrop and the lack of actual human in the picture means that the clothing remains the focus without the distraction of a model or a mannequin. It can mean that images have a more timeless quality to them.
If you’d like to find out more about having your clothing range photographed in this style, then please just get in touch with the details and we are happy to provide you with a quotation. We are based in Crawley Down, West Sussex (near to Gatwick) but we are happy to work with clothes delivered to us by courier if that is your preferred method.

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