As 2018 draws to a close, there’s always a little time for reflection. As a small business ourselves, we take time to take stock of how we performed against our business plan and set our goals for the year to come.
Our business new year resolutions are very important to us ad we know that they are to our clients as well. VisualChaos Studios was created especially to work with smaller owner-managed organisations. We have designed a series of photography and videography products designed to make achieving your business goals easy and affordable for everyone – not just multi-nationals with budgets and staffing levels we can only dream of.
Here’s some ideas for 2019 goals that you might already have on your new year wishlist – we promise you that they’ll be easy to achieve wroking with us and think how good you’ll feel on December 31st 2019 when you mark them as done!
Revamp your Product Photography

When you’re focused on creating the best products and services that you can getting them in front of your customers, it can be tempting to cut corners when it comes to product photography. When every penny counts, it can seem like an unnecessary expense but we’re going to beg to differ.
Online retailing is an incredible way to get your products in front of a potentially world wide audience. Time pressed customers love the chance to shop from the comfort of their own homes (or desks. Come on we’ve all done it!) and the opportunity to compare a wide variety of options before ‘adding to cart’. However, this does mean that they won’t necessarily get to see and touch the result of your labours before it arrives at their home. If your product photography doesn’t give them all of the information the need, showcase your product features or demonstrate its qualities, then there’s a good chance they’ll just move on.
VisualChaos Studios have a dedicated product studio designed to create all types of high quality product photography – from detailed white background product shots perfect for websites and packaging through to high end, composite shots that illustrate all your product has to offer to your ideal client.
Get your Head Shots Updated

Of course, many small businesses sell ‘you’ as their main asset. Your clients want to be able to see you at your best and a quick scroll through Linked In shows that way too many business owners are relying on holiday photos and selfies to sell themselves to their potential clients. Even it it’s a very lovely photo of you, a professionally taken headshot is always going to make a better first impression in any professional environment.
The fact that more people don’t have professional images of themselves is probably down to a combination of factors. Firstly , a thought that it doesn’t matter (it honestly does). Secondly, the idea that it’s expensive (it isn’t) and finally a deep hatred of having your photo taken brought on by years of painful school photos and Olan Mills portraiture. To set your mind at rest on that score, a head shot photo shoot is quick and easy and can even be (dare I say it) fun. We can either come to your place of work which is great if you want photos of your team with minimal business disruption, or you can pay a quick visit to our warm and cosy studio in Crawley Down, West Sussex.
Get on Board with Video

This is a big one but if you’ve been reading any business advice recently, you’ll know it’s getting more and more important. Search engine and social media networks love it, clients engage with it and you need it your business life in some form or other. From business explainer videos, to key team member interviews and profiles to product and service demonstrations to case studies to bite sized social media blasts – video can be amazing for your business.
It’s a complex area and making it professionally requires the right training, equipment and software but the good news is that with VisualChaos Studios it doesn’t need a huge budget. We offer a range of turn-key solutions to help you achieve your video goals so just get in touch to find out how easy it can be.
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