Her Majesty’s Passport Office (HMPO) encourage people applying for new or renewed passports to do so online and they have changed the way that these applications are now made.
Instead of uploading your photo during the passport application process (which some people were struggling with due to getting the specification correct), there is a new system involving a secure digital ID Photo Code (IDPC). This simplifies the process of applying for your passport and attaching your compliant ID photo to the rest of your application data.
An IDPC is unique to each customer and is generated when you have your photo taken by an IDPC compliant biometric photographer, which of course VisualChaos Studio is! When you visit our studio to have your passport photo taken, we provide you with your unique code at the time of the visit and you then simply have to enter it when prompted in your online passport application process to make sure your image is digitally submitted with the rest of your passport information.
Your photo is automatically checked against the HMPO’s ISO/IEC-standard 19794-5, based on the geometric standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This check ensures it meets the criteria required to be compliant. When you use VisualChaos Studios to take your passport photo, we will have already passed the image through the UK Government checking software to make sure that it complies, so there’s never any worry that it will get rejected.
As well as being faster than postal applications, online passport applications are also £19.25 cheaper than using the Post Office Check and Send service so that is another benefit!
It is all done in three easy steps
- Visit an IDPC compliant photographer (such as VisualChaos Studios) and have your biometric compliant picture taken
- A passport photo sheets is printed containing your unique photo code
- Enter the code into the online passport application form when prompted to do so
It’s that easy!
We can even produce the Passport Codes from your own digitally taken picture if you prefer to take your own from home. Use our guide to take your photo with your mobile phone correctly ad then purchase the UK code from our website. Upload you own digital picture and we will attach a renewal code to it and complete the biometric checks to produce a compliant photograph from your source digital picture.
Purchase your UK Passport Code from your own digital photo here
Book your passport photography and obtain your renewal coded
We can process over 100 country specifications across 280+ formats and sizes. Check here for your Passport or Visa Requirements.
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