Quality Real Estate Photography

Shooting External and Internal Spaces
This year, my business seems to have been heavily focused on photographing property portfolios. It is an area that I have a great deal of experience in, and one that grew exponentially after I invested in drones back in 2016 and achieved my OSC enhanced operating permissions from the CAA which means that I can offer aerial images of the exterior of a property, even in more difficult urban areas.
Drones can offer an opportunity to set your property in the context of its surroundings as well as showcase any special features that wouldn’t be seen from ground level. Aerial photography also offers the advantage of adding a sense of drama and perspective to images of commercial spaces that can otherwise look pretty bland. Captivating the attention of a browser and appealing to a wider online audience can only be a positive thing when it comes to marketing your property.
The Important of Real Estate Image Post Production
It is important for any marketing images to professionally capture the full scope of the space to let or property being sold. Capturing the images correctly in camera, whether this be from a ground level or aerial perspective, is obviously key but it is on the first step, Professional post production work will remove or improve interior inconsistencies, clutter, correct any lens distortions to keep the uprights upright, as well as adding those all important blue skies in the external shots where our traditionally British weather hasn’t obliged.

The service of a professional real estate photographer is a substantial investment into your property portfolio or home sale. Whether your are marketing your own domestic home online, or advertising commercial assets for lease in city centres, the creation of professional images on the ground and from the air is a huge advantage to an audience that will increasingly obtain their first impressions online rather than in person. Captivating the attention of a browser at this point can vastly increase your chances of being able to show them all that your property has to offer in person at a later stage.
Setting your property in context can also be a powerful tool. The external environment can be just as important as the internal ones – a potential homeowner or business will want to see the location’s external benefits and you can’t rely on Google earth providing either an accurate or flattering picture. Where aerial photography used to be extremely expenseive, drones have put it within reach of the average property agent and made is simple and cost effective to provide sweeping views of the surroundings of building – including landscaped gardens or spectactular views where it comes to domestic properties or access, local facilities and parking the case of commercial real estate.

Get a no-obligation quote today!
We can provide you with full pricing for your photography and video needs, usually by return and definitely within 24 business hours. Use the information request forms on this link to provide us with the information and requirement for the work.
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